Southeast Community Colleges Utilizes Robots at Off-Campus Learning Centers

The robot program at Southeast Community College ( is funded through a Rural Development Grant from the United States Department of Agriculture. SCC was awarded $120,582. Students at any of the six learning centers are able to take advantage of the program at the Lincoln and Beatrice campuses. Through this program, instead of distance learning where students are typically confined to one room, students are able to travel throughout the campus via robot.

Joy Shultz is a part-time, adult student studying business administration. She has taken five classes via robot at SCC’s Lincoln Campus, including public speaking. She is able to maneuver it from a classroom at the Learning Center at Wahoo. She said there are many benefits to using this kind of technology in the classroom. “It’s been a great experience,” she said. “I actually prefer to take my classes via robot. I wasn’t sure at first if I’d be able to do it, but it’s worked out perfectly. I also love it because I don’t have the expense of gas and wear and tear on my vehicle. I also was able to lower my student aid.”

Bob Zetocha teaches the public speaking class. He said this was the first time he had robots in his classroom. He believes it is great opportunity for students who live near the learning centers in Hebron, Wahoo, Falls City, Plattsmouth, Nebraska City, and York. Students interested in the robot pilot program need to apply at one of these learning centers or by visiting