Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center (springcreek.audubon.org) is thrilled to announce their upcoming events, including their Winter Walkabout on January 6 and New Year Holiday Open House January 14.

Winter Walkabout

Join Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center for their Winter Walkabout event on Saturday, January 6. The walk will take place from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center located at 11700 SW 100th St., Denton, NE.
This leisurely stroll through the winter tallgrass involves looking for animal tracks and chatting about what birds and beasts do to survive the winter.

This event has free admission (donations welcome). Please register so they know how many people to plan for. Learn more and register at springcreek.audubon.org/events/winter-walkabout.

New Year Holiday Open House

Join Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center for their New Year Holiday Open House on Sunday, January 14. The open house will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. at Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center located at 11700 SW 100th St., Denton, NE.

Their New Year Holiday Open House features live music, delicious homemade treats and cider, a craft room for all to make repurposed and recycled decorations and time to chat with all of their amazing friends. The outdoor trails will also be open for a winter walkabout through the tallgrass prairie. Admission is free and all are welcome! Learn more at springcreek.audubon.org/events/new-year-holiday-open-house.

Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center strives to conserve and restore the habitats we share with all wildlife, focusing on the needs of birds. Learn more at springcreek.audubon.org.