WISB to Host Meeting at Venue Restaurant Wednesday, September 8
The next Women in Sales & Business (WISB, www.wisblincoln.org) monthly meeting will be held Wednesday, September 8, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The meeting will be hosted at Venue Restaurant & Lounge in the Lancaster/Nebraska room, located at 4111 Pioneer Woods Dr., STE 100. They will begin with their regular business meeting, followed by a presentation from their very own member Elizabeth Erlandson. Elizabeth is a freelance writer and one of the original Licorice Ladies at Licorice International, which she sold in 2019. Elizabeth has written professionally for more than 35 years. Her work has been published in dozens of magazines and she has served as a marketing and development consultant for several nonprofit organizations. She currently writes for Bryan Hospital’s Journeys magazine and edits social media for Grindstone Digital Marketing agency.
Guests are welcome and current members are encouraged to attend with a guest. The cost to attend in-person is $16 for members with lunch, $10 without lunch, and FREE for first-time guests. All women attending should be prepared to make a brief introduction of themselves and their business. Please register on the Women in Sales and Business Facebook page (@wisblincoln).
Women in Sales & Business began meeting in 1987 to offer businesswomen in Lincoln the opportunity to network within an all-female setting. To learn more or inquire about membership, call (402) 472-8675 or visit www.wisblincoln.org.