Family Service WIC Alerts Community on Similac Formula Recall
Family Service WIC ( has been working very closely with their store vendors and the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services to get their clients the most up-to-date information related to the Similac recall in February.
Family Service WIC serves over 480 infants in their program, with nearly 380 of those infants consuming Similac formula in some capacity. Family Service Lincoln was able to provide their clients with gift cards to Walmart for their formula expenses in a comparable brand. Family Service WIC was then able to use a new text messaging system to send a message to nearly 480 clients with kids on formula to offer comparable formulas in other brands. Of those clients, over 200 responded within 48 hours, and their staff worked evenings, weekends, and through all breaks to ensure clients were able to purchase formula using their WIC card or gift cards. Family Service WIC continues to work daily in assisting clients to find formula on the shelves, as the inventory continues to be sparse throughout the area.
Family Service WIC provides healthy foods at no cost to eligible participants to help keep pregnant women, infants, children up to age five, breastfeeding moms up to one year, and postpartum moms up to six months, healthy. To learn more about Family Service WIC or eligibility, visit, their Facebook page at, or contact Rachelle Palacios at (402) 441-8655 /