NESC Announces Upcoming Stop the Bleed & Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED Trainings
The Nebraska Safety Council (NESC, is sharing information on their upcoming Stop the Bleed and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED trainings. NESC recently began offering Stop the Bleed, a registered trademark of the US Department of Defense. Stop the Bleed is designed to train participants with the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and act quickly and effectively to control bleeding by learning three techniques. This training is offered FREE once a month to members of NESC. Upcoming trainings are scheduled for: June 15, July 13, and August 10.
NESC also offers a Pediatric First Aid, CPR, and AED training the first Wednesday and Saturday of each month. Through a variation of lecture, video, group discussion, and hands-on training, the course will teach first aid basics including medical, injury, poison, and environmental emergencies; preventing illnesses and injuries; and controlling bleeding and bandaging. During the eight-hour course, participants will also be trained in Stop the Bleed and will receive a certificate for the training free of cost. The full-day course fee is $85 for members and $90 for non-members. Upcoming trainings are scheduled for: July 6, July 9, August 3, August 6, September 3, and September 7. Learn more about each training and register online by visiting their website at and clicking on Worker Education and Events. For questions or to register over the phone, call (402) 483-2511 ext. 106.
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