Tobacco Free Lancaster County Launches Anti-Vaping Campaign

The back-to-school season brings opportunity to grow, learn, and try new things. Tobacco Free Lancaster County (TFLC, is working to educate students, teachers, and parents in Lancaster County of the risks of vaping while providing resources to help those that want to quit.

TFLC, as part of the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department, has been working with Lincoln Public Schools to create messaging to discourage vaping among middle and high school students. Messages are designed to engage students where they are often tempted to use e-cigarettes: on bathroom mirrors at school. Information for help quitting and resources for adults to support quit attempts will be available. Messaging will also be available for community organizations that work with youth and schools in Lancaster County.

Funding for Tobacco Free Lancaster Country is provided by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services/Tobacco Free Nebraska Program as a result of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. If you are ready to quit tobacco, call 1-(800) QUIT-NOW for free confidential help getting started. For more information about vaping or resources to help educate your staff, contact Sophia Yelkin at (402) 441-4108 or or visit