Nebraska LTC Pharmacy Launches Mental Health Ability Project
In honor of May being Mental Health Awareness Month , Nebraska LTC Pharmacy ( is pleased to announce the launch of their Mental Health Ability Project. Founded by Pharmacy Manager Kylie Reinsch, this project will be used to raise awareness and fight the stigma of mental health through the sharing of stories and relevant information, as well as combat the stigma of taking medications for mental health. Nebraska LTC will offer available listed resources and post relevant education. Information can be found on their Facebook page (@NebraskaLTCPharmacy) as well as their new page dedicated to the project (@MentalHealthAbilityProject). In addition, the pharmacy has made custom bracelets that will be for sale during the month of May to help increase awareness; all proceeds will be donated to local mental health resources.
The project’s main idea is “VulnerABILITY will save lives; AccountABILITY will change them.” Kylie explained that being vulnerable and sharing personal stories may increase awareness for struggling people to not feel alone in their journey, and having accountability for yourself to make the changes necessary for improvement.
Nebraska LTC Pharmacy is a locally owned pharmacy that provides a wide array of services in the Lincoln and Omaha areas. They offer individualized patient care that increases safety and prolongs customers’ independence at home. To learn more, visit or call (402) 328-0231.