Over $175,000 Raised to Support LFS Children Services Programs

Over 450 people attended Fandango® and Wicker & Wine® on November 4 to support the Children Services programs provided by Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska (www.lfsneb.org). The sports-themed event, which took place at the Hilton Omaha, raised more than $175,000 through ticket sales, sponsorships, auction item sales and donations.

The event featured Mrs. Nebraska USA Universal Amanda Reinert as master of ceremonies and guest speaker. During the event, Reinert shared her own personal story as a two-time survivor of child sexual abuse and highlighted how LFS programs were making a profound difference in the lives of children who have been traumatized. The highlight of the evening occurred when William Jones, age 16, a member of the Saint John Lutheran Church youth group in Council Bluffs, auctioned off a hug to two individuals for $500 each, raising $1,000. The honorary chair couples were Lawrence “Chip” James II and Erin James of Omaha, John and Tracy Jerkovich of Council Bluffs, and Dan and Martha Peterson of Neola, IA. Quinn Texmo served as event chair.

LFS Children Services serves families across Nebraska and in Iowa through the Pottawattamie County Center for Healthy Families®. Funds raised support children receiving treatment for child sexual abuse, early intervention/prevention parenting programs, foster care and adoption programs.

This event is made possible through generous support from LFS sponsors including the Fandango® and Wicker & Wine® “All Stars” sponsor Lockwood Development. Pictures and event videos can be viewed online at www.lfsneb.org.

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