The 2024 Husker Fans Salute the Troops ( Weekend has been CANCELLED due to not being able to raise enough funds.

With that being said we are turning our focus over to 2025 and starting the process to raise the funds for that year’s event in which the date will be decided later on in the year.

2025 marks the 16th Husker Salute weekend, when 100 Veterans and military families plan to congregate in Lincoln at a Lincoln hotel as volunteer Husker fans host them for an awesome, morale-boosting Big Red Husker experience! The very first Husker Salute weekend was in 2008 when Nebraska played Oklahoma, as 70 heroes and their families enjoyed the hospitality and fun, despite an OU win on the field. With rave reviews and more fan support, Husker Salute weekend happened again in 2009 and has continued through the years, honoring nearly 1,100 service members and their families! Dedicated volunteers span Lincoln, surrounding Nebraska communities, and even beyond our borders during the off-season to gather funds and donations from Husker fans and businesses who also have the same passion for Husker football that transcends to a deep appreciation for the sacrifices made by our military brothers and sisters and families, to protect and provide the freedoms we have in Nebraska and across America. Husker Salute plans FUN, FREE, FAMILY-oriented activities, including the inspirational keynote speaker, tbd, with the goal to combat PTSD and to help with suicide prevention in our military population.

If you would like to become a Husker Fan who Salutes the Troops, or a Husker Business that Salutes the Troops, see our website for details and contact information Every donation helps, and 100% supports the cause.