Calling All Volunteers: Big Brothers Needed

Heartland Big Brothers Big Sisters ( needs more Big Brothers. Three out of 10 new volunteers at Big Brothers Big Sisters are men, which means boys and young men in Lincoln are waiting for male volunteers to step forward.  While summer break is coming to a close, it’s not too late for you to become that meaningful person that could change a child’s life forever. The agency has set a goal of recruiting 10 new volunteers, so that 10 youth can start the school year with a Big Brother. Becoming a “Big Brother” requires no experience, just a couple of hours a week. Being a Big Brother is one of the most enjoyable things you’ll ever do. Not to mention, one of the most fulfilling.

You have the opportunity to help shape a child’s future for the better by empowering them to achieve. You and your Little can share the kinds of activities you already like to do–grabbing a pizza, shooting hoops or just hanging out.  Heartland Big Brothers Big Sisters staff help volunteers through the process and provide on-going support.  To volunteer or donate, please visit Heartland Big Brothers Big Sisters at 6201 Havelock Avenue, Lincoln, NE 68507 or visit

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