Christian Business Men’s Connection (CBMC, in Lincoln is offering a weekly, one hour DVD series from WallBuilders featuring historian David Barton.

“For centuries Americans were taught a truthful view of history that recognized the Godly heroes and moral foundation on which our nation was founded. But in recent years a new version of history has assaulted the moral and spiritual fiber of our nation, leaving the truth of our past eliminated and forgotten,” WallBuilders’ description explains.

The “American Heritage Series” will enable participants to discover the forgotten and astonishing story of America’s foundation. Some of the topics covered include “Why History Matters”, “The Faith of our Founding Fathers, “The Ideas the Birthed a Nation, “Our Biblical Constitution”, and “The Civil Rights Movement.” This series provides a detailed, documented, and fascinating presentation of American history as it was originally taught for decades.

To learn more about this series including time and location, contact CBMC Lincoln at (402) 204-1997 or email Larry at

CBMC Lincoln is part of a global ministry that encourages men toward spiritual development, personal integrity, principled leadership, and a desire to impact others positively. Learn more about CBMC at visit or connect with them on Facebook (@cbmclincolnne). WallBuilders is dedicated to presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built. Information can be found at