CEF of Nebraska to Host Christian Youth in Action Summer Programs

CEF of Nebraska (cefnebraska.org) is preparing to host Christian Youth in Action® (CYIA™), a summer program designed to train young people in effective and engaging ways to teach children about Jesus. Teens will attend a one-week training camp where they learn to present the gospel clearly, not only on a child’s level, but also to their peers and to adults. They’ll learn to counsel a child for salvation and lead a dynamic club (5-Day Club®) ministry for children.

Last year, over 130 young people were trained in Nebraska. Potential students should know that this is an intense leadership/training camp. It is not for everyone, but all who attend leave greatly impacted and ready to influence the world around them.

CEF of Nebraska will offer three CYIA’s again this summer:

  • CYIA North, May 17–22 at Camp Assurance near Belden, NE
  • CYIA East, June 7–17 at Camp Moses Merrill near Linwood, NE
  • CYIA Central, June 7–13 at Whispering Cedars Baptist Camp near Genoa, NE

After the training, the teens are expected to teach at least four 5-Day Clubs® (5DC), similar to vacation Biwble schools, in neighborhood homes, parks, day cares, and wherever children might be present.

To keep training costs low, CYIA sponsors are always needed. To help make an external difference, contact CEF of Nebraska at (402) 484-7877 / office@ceflincoln.org. Learn more online at cefnebraska.org.