Filament Essential Services ( is offering a free, in-depth analysis of the cybersecurity risks and remedies facing your nonprofit today. Download their free guide at

Safeguarding your nonprofit’s mission from the ever-present threat of cyber threats and data breaches is crucial for maintaining stakeholder trust, ensuring financial stability and preserving your organization’s reputation. As the risks continue to evolve, partnering with a cybersecurity professional to conduct a thorough assessment is a proactive step towards building a robust defense against potential threats. Don’t let your organization’s mission be jeopardized by inadequate data security measures; reach out to a cybersecurity expert today and secure your nonprofit’s digital assets for a safer and more resilient future.

Filament Essential Services is an affiliate of FES – a nonprofit organization with over 35 years of experience of supporting other nonprofits. FES developed the Filament team and suite of services to alleviate time-consuming obstacles and talent gaps that many nonprofits face. You’ve worked hard to define your mission, and even harder to achieve it. Filament gets it. Their goal is to take care of time-consuming tasks so that you can focus on what you do best – serving our community. For more information about Filament Essential Services, visit or call (402) 219-9600.