Friendship Home ( is proud to thank the community for their support in the 21st Annual Safe Quarters, which took place on Sunday, October 8! Safe Quarters is a one-day, community-wide effort to raise funds and awareness of domestic violence in Lincoln and Lancaster County. Funds collected provide a safe, confidential shelter, crisis services and ongoing support for families who are rebuilding their lives free from violence. Safe Quarters is vital to Friendship Home’s doors remaining open to those in need.

During Safe Quarters, Friendship Home had teams of dedicated volunteers going door-to-door collecting financial contributions from houses in Lincoln and neighboring communities. Volunteers were equipped with collection totes and informational materials about Friendship Home and domestic violence.

This year’s event raised $72,208.20, with donations still being mailed in. This event is possible due to the dedication of many volunteers and sponsors. Safe Quarters is truly a community-wide effort, and the results show how generous our community is in helping to empower freedom from domestic violence.

Friendship Home provides crisis services, emergency shelter and transitional housing to victims of domestic violence and their children. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please call Friendship Home’s 24/7 crisis line at (402) 437-9302. To learn more, visit