As garage sale season nears, Goodwill Industries Serving Southeast Nebraska, Inc. ( invites Lincoln neighborhoods to register for their 12th annual Neighborhood Challenge. This event encourages neighbors to donate unsold items from garage sales while competing for a chance to improve their community.

Participating neighborhoods will receive a free, centralized donation pickup after spring and summer neighborhood-wide garage sales. After the pickup, Goodwill will weigh the donations. At the end of the summer, the three Lincoln neighborhoods that collect the greatest weight of donations exceeding 2,000 lbs will win a cash prize to improve their neighborhood.

By donating to Goodwill, neighborhoods will support Goodwill’s mission of changing lives through the power of work. The revenue from Goodwill’s thrift stores in Lincoln helps fund local programs that assist job seekers as they overcome traditional barriers to employment. Goodwill also recycles many of the items it cannot sell.

To sign up, email or call (402) 742-8456 with a preferred date, time and centralized pickup location. All Neighborhood Challenge pickups must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance, but Goodwill encourages associations to sign up as early as possible, because spots fill up quickly.

For 92 years, Goodwill Industries Serving Southeast Nebraska, Inc. has been strengthening the Lincoln community by providing services for individuals who face barriers to employment and by offering residents a year-round outlet for donating clothing, electronics and household items. In 2022 alone, Goodwill diverted over 2.2 million lbs of materials from Lincoln landfills through community donations. To learn more about Goodwill, follow them on Facebook (@LincolnGoodwill) or visit