Heartland Cancer Foundation Launches End of the Year Giving Initiative

In the season of giving, the Heartland Cancer Foundation (heartlandcancerfoundation.org) is encouraging community participation in their 2020 End of the Year Giving Initiative. Your end-of-year gifts benefits the Foundation’s mission to provide financial assistance to low-income cancer patients so they can focus on healing and makes a huge impact on people right here at home because all proceeds stay in Nebraska.

Heartland Cancer Foundation offers the following ideas for end-of-year giving to the organization:

  •  Make an end-of-year cash donation, which makes an immediate impact in the lives of local cancer patients, at the same time possibly resulting in income-tax savings for the donor.
  •  Offer a gift of stock or other appreciated property, which is a smart way to make a gift and forego capital-gains taxes.
  • Contribute from your traditional IRA if you are age 70½ or older, making an IRA charitable rollover of any amount up to $100,000.

The Heartland Cancer Foundation is a 501(c)(3) with a mission to provide practical and immediate assistance to local cancer patients. They help with housing (mortgage and rental assistance), car payments, gas cards, and utilities. Share in the spirit of the season and make an end-of-year donation that stays in your community! For more information, visit heartlandcancerfoundation.org or contact Development Director Amy Green at (402) 261-9974 / heartlandcancerfoundation@outlook.com.