Junior Achievement Schedules 2022 Bowl-A-Thon for February 19
Junior Achievement (lincoln.ja.org) has scheduled their annual Bowl-A-Thon for February 19, 2022. Lincoln business people and educators will come together to bowl and secure donations for Bowl-A-Thon at Parkway Lanes and Hollywood Bowl. Junior Achievement is inviting local businesses to help sponsor the event and recruit employees, friends, and family to bowl two games and donate door prizes to make the event even more memorable for bowlers. This year alone, over 32,000 local students will benefit from the generosity of sponsors, bowlers, and donors. All proceeds support Junior Achievement’s mission of preparing Lincoln’s young people for a bright future! The deadline to sign up is December 15. To sign up to sponsor, bowl, or learn more, visit secure.qgiv.com/for/jaol/event/840479.
Junior Achievement of Lincoln has a mission to inspire and prepare young people to succeed through community volunteers who not only deliver their lessons, but share their experience. Junior Achievement is the nation’s largest organization dedicated to giving young people the knowledge and skills they need to own their own economic success, plan their futures, and make smart academic and economic choices. For more information about the Lincoln chapter, visit their Facebook page (@jaoflincoln) or website lincoln.ja.org.