Junior League of Lincoln’s (JLL, jll.org) goal is to raise awareness and bring assistance to the thousands of Lancaster County residents who struggle with diaper needs, which is the insufficient supply of diapers to keep babies and toddlers clean, dry and healthy.

Just as more families in Lincoln are struggling with hunger because of rising prices and inflation, more families with young children are struggling with diaper needs. JLL works to collect, store and distribute free diapers to families.

Since diapers can cost anywhere between $70 and $80 a month per baby, most parents who experience diaper need must decide on whether they will provide diapers or some other necessity for their families that month. Despite the apparent need, there are still no federal or state child safety-net programs that provide funding specifically for the purchase of diapers. SNAP and WIC assistance cannot be used to purchase diapers.

The Junior League of Lincoln Diaper Bank focuses on providing diapers to over 6,000 children in Lancaster County that may experience diaper need. A diaper is a small thing, but every single diaper provided through the Junior League of Lincoln Diaper Bank will make an impact on children and families in need.

This past year, JLL partnered with Lincoln Littles to provide diapers to children receiving care through one of Lincoln Littles’ 28 qualified child care providers.

To contact Junior League of Lincoln, email juniorleagueoflincoln@gmail.com or call (402) 464-2050. Find out more at jll.org.