Kids’ Chance Celebrates Successful 2019 Golf Outing, Secures Date for Next Year
Kids’ Chance of Nebraska ( is happy to report that there was a tremendous turnout for this year’s Golf Outing on September 9. With 96 golfers and a long drive competition to help raise money, the event was able to generate over $12,000 for the organization. Emma Schoef, one of their scholarship recipients, spoke to the group before tee off which was a wonderful reminder as to why it’s so important to always try to turn tragedy into opportunity.
Looking forward to next year, Kids’ Chance of Nebraska is excited to announce that the 2020 Golf Outing is slated for August 27 at the same location (Iron Horse Golf Course in Ashland, NE).
The Mission of Kids’ Chance of Nebraska is to provide financial support to further the education of the children of Nebraska workers who have been severely injured, totally disabled, or killed as a result of employment related injuries or occupational diseases. It is the goal of Kids’ Chance of Nebraska to make a difference in the lives of these children by providing scholarships to help eligible students achieve both their educational goals and their families’ dreams.
Kids’ Chance of Nebraska is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Email with any questions, and you can visit for more information.