Local Business Volunteers Serve Monthly at Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach
Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach (mtko.org) is a dedicated and united front of staff and volunteers who have found their true calling by helping the homeless and near homeless find possibilities when things seem impossible. With over 900 volunteers helping each month and nearly 3,000 unduplicated volunteers each year, Matt Talbot coordinates one of the largest volunteer efforts in the Lincoln community.
J-Tech Construction started volunteering at Matt Talbot in 2017 and comes faithfully each month to provide, prepare, and serve a “made from scratch” dinner for the guests of Matt Talbot. This winter, the crew from J-Tech even took the time to clear the Matt Talbot parking lot after a heavy snow before starting in on their dinner preparations. J-Tech has also recently been involved with several flood relief projects.
“We enjoy having business groups volunteer, and the folks from J-Tech have been wonderful to work with—going above and beyond with their homemade meals, great energy, and willingness to offer assistance to those in need,” said Susanne Blue, executive director.
Matt Talbot provided more than 110,000 meals last year (an increase of nearly 4,000 from 2017), with an average of 151 people being served at each meal. In addition to daily meals, emergency food pantries are provided to individuals and families who need food at home.
If you or your business is interested in volunteering at Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach, please contact Victoria O’Neil at Victoria.oneil@mtko.org / (402) 817-0623. Learn more at mtko.org.