17 years ago, Carly was a single mother with three daughters ages three, 14 months and a newborn. When returning home from the hospital, Carly was met with an eviction notice, little support and post-partum depression. Carly and her daughters were facing a crisis.

Thankfully, Carly got connected to a housing case manager at Matt Talbot (mtko.org). Together, they worked to set goals, enroll in life skills classes and other programs to accelerate her ability to find housing. Within four months, Carly and her daughters were under the same roof again.

Today, Carly owns a growing barbershop at Von Hair, is married, active in her church community and passionate about giving back. She even volunteers to give haircuts at Matt Talbot and loves listening to people’s stories and sharing her own as she cuts hair.

Stories like Carly’s are made possible by gifts from a generous community. Last year, “Give to Lincoln Day” donations were directed toward a facility expansion project that strengthened the housing program, creating a space for newly housed clients to “shop” for basic household items such as dishes, cleaning supplies, sheets and towels. The community is invited to see the expansion and celebrate the impact of their generosity at an open house on May 30 at 5:30 p.m.

Learn more about Matt Talbot at mtko.org.