Nebraska Hearing Center Sponsors Child Advocacy Center Monster Dash

To benefit the Child Advocacy Center, Nebraska Hearing Center (www.nebraskahearingcenter.comhopes you will join them and DASH to make a difference! The Monster Dash will be held on October 29th at Roca Berry Farm in Roca, NE. This is a 5K/1 mile Halloween fun run through the fall countryside.

Race awards will be given to the top three female and top three male finishers of the 5K run, and to the top four children finishers of the 1-mile run.

Prizes for costumes will also be announced.  Awards for costume include scary, fun, or whimsical!   Awards will be given to the best adult and child Halloween costumes.

Registration is available online at

Nebraska Hearing Center is conveniently located at 5625 O Street, Suite 104. It is locally owned by Audiologist Leslie Frank and has been helping Lincoln hear better for over 40 years. Call (402) 486-3737 for your free hearing evaluation today.  You may also visit the website for more information about Nebraska Hearing Center at

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