The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum (NSA, will offer the following two free Plant Talk webinars in February, both on Zoom at noon CT.

Plant Talk: Ask Justin and Bob | Thursday, February 9

This Q&A will feature NSA Green Infrastructure Coordinator Justin Evertson and NSA Horticulture Program Coordinator Bob Henrickson who will be available to answer participants’ questions about trees, plants, gardening, and everything in between.

Plant Talk: The Winter Garden | Thursday, February 23

NSA Sustainable Landscape Coordinator Sarah Buckley will help participants learn how to appreciate the beauty of the winter landscape. She’ll also offer ways to keep their hands busy during the long winter months and suggestions for how to keep wildlife front and center.

The Plant Talks are free and open to the public. Registration is required for each talk. Each session will also be recorded, and the recordings will be emailed to registrants following the real time Zoom event. More information and registration details are available at

The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum plants Nebraska for healthy people, vibrant communities, and a resilient environment. The organization offers resources to help Midwest gardeners improve their home and community landscapes, encouraging plants and landscapes that are beautiful and beneficial for ourselves as well as the larger environment. To learn more, visit the website listed above or contact the Arboretum staff at (402) 472-2971 /