The Nebraska Trailblazers Breakfast, scheduled for September 6, is an unparalleled opportunity for businesses and organizations to engage with the next generation of Nebraska’s leaders. This event will provide a platform for young leaders and students to express their needs and desires in a career, while also allowing businesses to gain insights on how to attract and retain young talent.

The keynote speaker for the event is Tim Hodges, PhD, Executive Director of the Clifton Strengths Institute and a Professor in the UNL College of Business. Every individual registration also contributes a donation for a student or young professional ticket. Each table at the event will pair four business leaders with four high-achieving Nebraska students, providing a unique opportunity for meaningful interactions and the exchange of valuable insights.

The event aims to address the Brain Drain issue in Nebraska and give the incoming Generation Z workforce a platform to express what might encourage them to stay in the state. Attendees will have the chance to learn strategies for attracting and retaining young talent directly from the source and share the most important meal of the day with an invigorating cohort of Nebraskans dedicated to our brightest future.

The funds raised through the Nebraska Trailblazers Breakfast will support the sustainability and scaling of the Intern Foundry (IF) program, enabling high-achieving UNL Honors students to gain meaningful experiences, relationships and skills in Lincoln through project-based internships with local nonprofits.

The Nebraska Trailblazers Breakfast is set to take place on Friday, September 6, from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. at 817 R St. For more information and to register for the event, visit