Project Harmony Welcomes Four-Legged Team Member, Woody as Facility Dog

Woody, Project Harmony’s ( facility dog and newest team member, is proof that good dogs do make great listeners. Woody is a two-year-old English Golden Retriever who comes from Patriot Paws Service Dogs. He came to Project Harmony in late August, but before he was matched with Project Harmony he went through extensive training to learn basic commands and how to socialize in public and private settings. Woody works throughout the agency, including areas such as forensic interviews, family advocacy, and mental health.

Woody helps kids feel safe and comfortable as they describe the abuse they have experienced or crime they have witnessed. He calms their fears and brings smiles to faces that have not smiled in a long time. One of Woody’s most valued qualities is the unconditional love and attention that he gives to the children with who he interacts.

“We’ve already seen a huge difference in just how excited the children are to see him,” said Project Harmony director of communications Angela Roeber. “Children come in anxious and scared and as soon as they see him, they relax. There is something about petting a dog that is so calming and therapeutic. The more you pet him the more he comforts you and it really makes a child who is going through a terrible situation feel better.”

Project Harmony has served more than 42,000 children during the past 23 years by providing a child-friendly environment in which specially trained professionals work together to access, investigate, and resolve child abuse cases. Learn more online at