Sammy’s Superheroes Reports Havoc 5K at Lutjelusche Was a Huge Success

On October 20, the Sammy’s Superheroes Foundation ( hosted a hilly 5K run for 120 runners at Lutjelusche Cross Country Course that wreaked “havoc” on quite a few people’s legs. Sammy’s Superheroes is proud to say that the event was a success, raising $4,000 for childhood cancer research.

Runners were greeted at the finish line with an after party including beer, brats, and a live band. Team and individual costumes were welcomed, and many runners took advantage of the opportunity to show some spirit. Sammy’s Superheroes would like to thank everyone that participated and helped them raise havoc about finding a cure for childhood cancer.

The mission of the Sammy’s Superheroes is to fund modern treatments that will lead to a cure. Their vision is a world where childhood cancer no longer strikes fear and despair in hearts and minds of families when their loved ones are diagnosed. While funding a cure and finding modern treatments may come first, they have not forgotten about the families and the importance of supporting and comforting them. Sammy’s strive to do this through our programming and services.

If you would like to learn more about the event or the Sammy’s Superheroes Foundation, please visit their website at