Registration is now open for St. Monica’s “Intersections: Improving Outcomes”, a two-day conference exploring the intersecting issues between women, addiction, trauma and the law.  This event will be held November 5-6 at the Cornhusker Marriott. Professionals from the fields of behavioral health, criminal justice, social services, child welfare and education will discuss the importance of using evidence-based, trauma-informed strategies to treat women in our systems, improving outcomes for all. Keynote speaker is Dr. Stephanie Covington, founder of the Center for Gender and Justice and author of “A Woman’s Way Through the 12 Steps.” The cost to attend is $120 per participant, and CEU’s will be available in a variety of fields.  For more information about the upcoming conference, contact Melissa Townsend at (402) 441-3768 or .

Celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2014, St. Monica’s provides treatment services in Lincoln for women and their children who are struggling with substance abuse, mental health issues and trauma. Last year, the agency served more than 350 women through inpatient and outpatient services at seven facilities.  For more information about St. Monica’s, please visit