The Malone Community Center to Start Positive Minority Trading Card Program

The Malone Community Center ( has received the funding required to start their Positive Minority Trading Card Program. Trading cards are intended to be passed amongst at-risk youth ages 10 – 19 and can be brought back to the Malone Center for incentives. The project is going to be partially funded by Keno Human Services Prevention Fund, which is funding through Lancaster County.

The program is meant to impact community members by displaying successful local figures on trading cards and billboards across Lancaster County, connecting more community members with mentors and tangible examples of success for them to feel connected to. The Malone Center would like to have approximately five outdoor billboards displaying positive minority community members.

Depending on the success of the project after six months, the Malone Center will decide whether or not to bring on more sponsors. Sponsors and donors will get exposure and marketability on the trading cards and billboards in exchange for financing. The Malone Center is also currently searching for professionals to interview and film for the project.

The Malone Community Center (2032 U St.) mission is to honor and strengthen the local African American community by serving as a cornerstone for educational, cultural, and advocacy programs for all people.​ If you’re interested in providing support or participating in the Positive Minority Trading Card Program, please contact Ishma Valenti at (402) 474-1110 /, or visit