Voices of Hope (voicesofhopelincoln.org) is in need of household items such as cleaning supplies, trash bags and personal hygiene items for the individuals they serve. The result of receiving these donations gives them the ability to provide immediate relief to those in need, improving their quality of life and helping them navigate through challenging circumstances. Feel free to check out their website or visit their Amazon wish list to purchase items: www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1VYTBX7R9ZO6F/ref=hz_ls_biz_ex.

Voices of Hope has been a vital part of our community for over 40 years. Voices of Hope began in 1975 when the Lincoln Coalition Against Rape, a campus/community group, organized and began to provide a crisis line and support services for survivors of sexual assault. Before long, the group also began providing services for survivors of domestic violence.

Voices of Hope’s vision is that all survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as their families and communities, receive responsive, empowering services and support that meet their needs, both individual and cultural, through advocacy and education aimed at eliminating recurrence, challenging oppressive social institutions and reducing violence and oppression. Learn more at voicesofhopelincoln.org.