WasteCap Presents Community Education 101 Webinar Series
WasteCap Nebraska (www.wastecapne.org) has announced an upcoming Community Education 101 webinar set to take place on Wednesday, August 10 from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. CST.
Every successful recycling program starts with education. Education both increases participation and revenues, and reduces contamination and costs. But it’s far more than just publishing your recycling guidelines. You need to sell the community on why recycling matters, how to do it right, and most importantly, how to see their discards not as trash, but as valuable resources for your local economy. This webinar will focus on the best channels to get your word out and the key messages to motivate your community, and provide effective strategies and tools. To register, please visit https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7090005391447508228.
WasteCap Nebraska’s mission is to eliminate waste in Nebraska. A statewide 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, WasteCap Nebraska advances sustainable practices for businesses and communities through innovation, education and policy change. For more information on WasteCap Nebraska, visit www.wastecapne.org.
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