Wyuka Funeral Home and Cemetery (wyuka.com) is thrilled to welcome Judi Baer Peters to the Family Service Counselor Team. Judi has 10 years of experience in advanced planning of funeral and cemetery services. She brings a unique skill set to the family at Wyuka as well as the families they serve, helping to guide and educate families with the sometimes overwhelming choices they make planning their funerals in advance and the legacy they leave behind in this world.

“When I tell people what I do for a living, the response is almost always the same, that it takes a special person to work at a funeral home,” shared Judi. “My response is that having this job has been both a pleasure and an honor for me. This industry has personally changed my life in many different ways. It has been so rewarding, and I am very grateful for this experience. Everyone in the funeral and cemetery business is special to me.

The task of arranging a funeral at the time of passing and grieving is the hard part. Preplanning the final arrangement is a gift to your loved ones. The families that have prearranged all of the details of their final and personal Celebration of Life are always relieved.

Wyuka Funeral Home & Cemetery is committed to preserving Wyuka Cemetery’s rich heritage and beauty. The cemetery is located at 3600 O St. For more information, call (402) 474-3600 or go online to wyuka.com.