Rachel’s Boutique is pleased to announce they are now carrying jewelry from Project Home A Global Friendship. A Global Friendship is a young, dynamic, environmentally conscious not-for-profit service and education organization whose aim is to help develop poor communities in an effort to end global poverty. Dedicated to the self-sustainability of individuals, particularly the matriarchs of the community, AGF works for equality and Fair Trade practices for artisans. The organization was founded in 2007 by Elizabeth Firgeleski, who was visiting Thailand in 2004 when the tsunami hit.
She spent time recuperating from her injuries before returning to the U.S. Since then she put together this non-profit organization to sell artisan handicrafts.
Rachel’s is carrying three different bracelet styles. The money goes back to the artist to help provide healthy food and books for their families.
For more information about Project Home A Global Friendship, please visit www.aglobalfriendship.org.
Rachel’s Boutique is located at 7121 Pioneers Blvd. For more information about Rachel’s Boutique, please call them at (402) 420-3040 or visit http://www.rachelsboutiquelincoln.com.