Women in Sales & Business Meeting to Take Place May 11 at Venue Restaurant
The next Women in Sales & Business (www.wisblincoln.org) monthly meeting will be held Wednesday, May 11, from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. The meeting will be hosted at Venue Restaurant & Lounge in the Lancaster/Nebraska room, located at 4111 Pioneer Woods Dr., STE 100. They will first hold their regular business meeting, followed by guest speaker Allison Boltz. Allison has worked in the restaurant field for over 25 years. She discovered in the midst of the pandemic (and while diving into lots of personal/spiritual development) how to embrace, coach, and train emotional intelligence to those around her. Her presentation will focus on the great resignation to living a less-stressed life based on what is important to her – not what society expects of her.
The cost to attend in-person is $16 for members with lunch. All women attending should be prepared to make a brief introduction of themselves and their business. Those who plan on attending are asked to register on the Women in Sales & Business Facebook page (@wisblincoln).
Women in Sales & Business began meeting in 1987 to offer businesswomen in Lincoln the opportunity to network within an all-female setting. Today, their goal is to encourage and develop creative leadership in women. They are dedicated to promoting their growth through the accumulation and sharing of knowledge, and they are always looking for new members to join their group! Learn more at www.wisblincoln.org.