TDK Lawn Care ( is here for all of your lawn care needs. They provide the services you need to make sure your lawn is up to standard. Now, they can provide you with a step by step instruction on how to create a healthy green lawn.
Have you ever noticed how green the golf courses are? Have you ever wondered why yours can’t look like that? What they have found is by using these 5 steps, your lawn becomes a healthy lawn. This leads to fewer weeds and a stronger root system that can overcome our climate here in Nebraska.
There are 5 steps you can take in creating a healthy green lawn.
- Water at the correct times, with the correct amount of water for your grass type. (Blue grass requires ¼” every other day. Tall fine fescue requires 1” per week.)
- Varying the heights of the mower for the variety of climates here in Nebraska. (During the warmest months, the mower height should be between 3” – 3 3/4”.)
- Aerating your lawn once to twice per year. (Aerating is usually done in the fall and spring when the grass is growing rapidly, and repairs itself easily. We also recommend at this time that you over seed with a turf tall fescue).
- Over-seeding should be done with drought and fungus resistant seed. Tall fescue works well for this. This is usually done in the spring or mid to late September.
- Having the correct fertilizing schedule, usually includes a 6 step program for an average lawn. Using pre-emergent, weed and grub control along with a Winterizer.
TDK Lawn Care has been open since 2002, and throughout that time they have been focused on making sure healthy lawns are up to standards. Their mission is to create an annual lawn care program that focuses on your corporate or individual needs. They offer several different options giving you the lawn care you deserve at the price you can afford.
For more information or to get a FREE quote, visit their website at