A Look Into What it Means to Partner with Strictly Business: Positioning Yourself as the Expert
Last month, I began to address aspects of Strictly Business that someone who isn’t familiar with the magazine may not be aware of, especially from an advertising perspective. We looked at ways to create an effective advertisement and then left off by introducing the free, value-added editorial we offer our clients as a way to tell their story beyond the dimensions of their ad space.
Regardless of the size of advertisement a client runs in our magazine—whether that be a 1/16 page or a full page—all of our clients enjoy the option of monthly news coverage and feature story inclusion at no extra cost. Our news section allows businesses to share their exciting happenings with our readers. Our clients also have opportunities to participate in special feature stories that position them as experts in their field, and all of this editorial content is promoted online through our website and social media.
Original content and storytelling are essential parts of any great marketing strategy. Here’s what Sujan Patel, a leading expert in digital marketing, has to say about the need for sharing your story as a business:
“Telling your story is a critical part of building your brand. It helps to shape how people view you and enables consumers to begin forging a connection with you and your company. Do it right, and you’ll put building blocks in place that allow you to develop a thriving brand with an equally thriving future, one that people buy from simply because they love what you do, what you stand for, and the stories you share.”
Patel understands the immutable power of storytelling and how this makes a business real and relatable to the public. Our Co-editor and Writer Annie Carbutt, who oversees our news and feature stories, has years of experience shaping and crafting words to tell important stories and deliver messages that would otherwise be missed. I asked Annie what makes an effective press release.
“I encourage our clients to make a bigger deal of things that might seem like they only hold internal significance,” she said. “As an example, if members of your team attend a conference or complete a training course, that is definitely worth sharing with the public. This gives readers a chance to see the behind-the-scenes of a thriving business team. Highlighting the accomplishments and milestones of individuals at your organization makes a huge impact. Suddenly, the reader can imagine what it would be like to interact with your team and do business with you. A level of trust is built.”
Annie also shared why it’s important for clients to participate in a few of Strictly Business’s many feature stories.
“We have an editorial calendar full of feature stories that cover a variety of topics. These features give our clients the chance to share their advice and insight on topics that are related to their industry. The purpose of this is to present our clients as the expert in their fields. By quoting our clients and including a headshot photo of the individual actually being quoted, our readers make a visual connection between the business and the story topic, whether that be senior care, automotive, construction, health and wellness, etc.”
So, between press releases and feature stories, we give our clients different avenues to share their message…and this is something any business can get at any ad size! I will go into the benefits of even more free editorial coverage we offer through features such as the Star City Six columns and full-page Client Spotlights next month, but in the meantime, I encourage businesses to reach out to us to learn more about including a press release or being quoted in a feature story that showcases your industry in Strictly Business. We would be happy to share our editorial calendar with you.
Let Strictly Business help you lock in your status as THE EXPERT in your industry, utilizing print, the internet, and social media. Find out how by contacting Paige at (402) 466-3330.