We are so excited to have our new staff pictures in this month’s magazine! What a great way to start the new year! Thank you to Steve Kowalski with A Better Exposure for his talents and for these great new photos. We had a fun afternoon doing a photo session with Steve at Hotel Deco in downtown Omaha. We specifically chose this location because the hotel has such a beautiful lobby area and so many cool places to get pictures taken (as you can tell from our photo). If you haven’t yet been to the hotel, stop in the next time you’re downtown!
The new year is always an exciting time for me, both personally and with the magazine. Even though many people don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions, I think it’s a great time to focus on changes or improvements you want to make in your life and find ways to make these goals a reality! I know 2013 will be a year of change and though I’m usually one of those people who is afraid of change, I’m trying to embrace it this year! I’m excited for the changes within the magazine, changes with my family (what ISN’T constantly changing when you have a kindergartner??) and whatever other changes 2013 brings. I hope all of our readers are as well! Let’s make the new year our best year ever!