I am so excited to bring the June issue to you!
We are so pleased that we have had the support necessary to continue our quarterly Senior Living feature as this is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. My mother came down with early-onset Alzheimer’s this past year and my grandmother is also in long-term care, so I know first-hand how challenging it is to do your job, be a parent and then deal with all the issues that surround eldercare. This story is written to help the loved ones of seniors ask the right questions and navigate through the process of taking care of all their health concerns. We are very lucky in Lincoln to have such great options and we’re happy to bring their expertise to help you if you face this tough situation.
I also would like to point out our Buy Local article that we are featuring this month. At our office, shopping locally is not just encouraged, it’s pretty much REQUIRED (and, of course, shopping at our local clients is even better!). We truly believe in the importance of keeping your dollars local and I hope everyone takes an opportunity to read this article and learn more about how to support Lincoln business owners!
As always, we are so grateful for your support each and every month and we are very excited about some of the changes and improvements we are making. We exist to improve our clients’ businesses and we look forward to doing this for many years to come!
Thank you and enjoy your summer!