Welcome to our March edition! Spring is right around the corner and I can’t wait. Speaking of spring and new beginnings, I would like to formally introduce myself to all of our readers and clients as Strictly Business Magazine’s new Graphic Designer. I was fortunate enough to join this amazing staff in August of last year and have been learning the ropes ever since. I have really enjoyed becoming familiar with all of our clients and the various businesses and organizations that everyone is involved with. I have learned many new things and have especially come to appreciate the values and mission that Strictly Business Magazine embodies. I realize now more than ever the importance of supporting and recognizing local businesses and fostering community support and involvement. Along those lines, this month’s Joining Organizations and Big Red Business features offer our readers the chance to get to know local businesses and business people making a difference right here in Lincoln.
With spring and warmer weather (finally!) come many more opportunities for exercise and healthy activities. This month’s feature on Workplace Wellness offers a lot of good information and helpful advice for increasing worker’s productivity by encouraging healthy work environments. Another great spring-related topic covered in this month’s issue is Commercial Construction. This feature offers an abundance of practical and useful information for those who are undertaking or considering new construction projects.
I really hope you enjoy our March issue and I am looking forward to getting to know all of our readers and clients better in the coming years!