It finally feels like summer out there!! The warm weather gets us here at the magazine thinking about one thing: what we’re going to do for our company retreat this year!! We’ve always made it a point to have at least one company retreat each year and we think it’s so important. Not just so we can get out of the office and do some brainstorming in a different atmosphere, but also so we can just relax and team build and enjoy some non-working time together. We suggest every business, no matter how big or small, hold regular company retreats. Check out our Company Retreats – Planning the Perfect Company Outing in Lincoln Feature this month for some great ideas!
Summer is also the time to think about some very important people in our lives: our dads! Father’s Day is in June and is the perfect time to let that special man know how much he has meant to you over the years and how he continues to have an impact on your life. We’ve got some great gift ideas for all kinds of dads, so take a look at Celebrating Fathers’ Day In Lincoln Feature as well!
Our June magazine also has a story that is important to almost all of it, even though you might not think so when you hear the title. ‘Senior Health’ is not just for those in retirement age, it’s also for us, the 30-50 year olds who are dealing with parents or other loved ones who are aging and looking for options to keep them emotionally and physically healthy. If you’re in this situation, make sure you read Senior Health – Helpful Advice for Those of Us With Aging Parents and Loved Ones Feature for some great information from local experts.
Our final Feature story is on the commercial remodeling process, and is a must-read for any business owner who owns their own building and is looking at making changes. Whether you just want to redecorate or are looking at an entire new addition, Commercial Remodeling – Updating Your Office, Building, or Warehouse For Beauty AND Function provides some insights and ideas that you’ll find particularly helpful.
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far and, as always, we greatly appreciate your support as readers and clients!!
Of course, we’re always looking for ideas and topics that provide value to our readers. If you are interested in suggesting a topic, contributing, being part of a future feature, or need help in crafting your press release, just email us here
by Angela Woltman, Vice President of Operations
Strictly Business Magazine Lincoln