Meet Gaylene Steinbach, the owner and chief Willy Wonka of Lulubee Artisanal Chocolates.

Tell us a little about your business. – What’s an artisanal chocolatier? It means small-batch, locally sourced, and hand-crafted treats with flavors designed to delight you. My mission is to invite you into my lived experiences, share the craftsmanship behind our work, and introduce you to flavors that will bring a smile (and an oh-wow) to your palate (

How did you get started in the business? – I’ve been in business for six years; however, little did I know that I’d open a brick-and-mortar store way back then! Since opening our storefront in November 2020, I’ve built a talented team who is just as passionate about quality, hand-crafted artisanal chocolates as I am. My biggest “aha” is that I have grit. I mean, I am a persistent soul who gets things done—a lot of stuff done! And…I’ve seen my human side—yup, lots of human foibles that I continue to work on, but I get up every day committed to producing flavors that are bound to bring a smile to your face.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? – Big secret—I was a dental hygienist in my previous life so there’s a big learning curve shifting from periodontal disease to running a business. The attention to detail I had as a hygienist has served me well, though, as being a chocolatier requires details and a solid understanding of science and how it impacts the chemistry of chocolate.

Tell us a little about your family. – Goodness—I’ve been blessed with my supportive husband Joe and two amazing daughters. Let me tell you, watching these two souls grow into strong, independent, smart, and opinionated women has been the greatest blessing of my life. I am beyond proud of them.

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? – Did I mention that we have a pup? Saffron loves to “p-l-a-y f-r-i-s-b-e-e” (don’t say it out loud unless you’re all in!) while on a walk. Honestly, simply being outdoors—even if it’s weeding or mowing the lawn—enriches me and reminds me to breathe and be in the moment.

What is your favorite quote or the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? – “Interrupt anxiety with gratitude” is my favorite quote because it reminds me to lean in and focus on the oh-so-many things that bring me joy.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be? – Wait…I thought being a chocolatier was a superpower! If that doesn’t count, I’d like to fly so I can work faster than I already do.

If you could choose any other profession to be successful in, what would it be? – Confession: I love watching drummers use their hands to create unique beats. Yup, I’d be a drummer—any garage bands looking for a newbie?

What is your favorite movie? – Let me climb on a car stuck in traffic and sing like the folks in La La Land. Yup, I’ve watched this movie a kazillion times, so pop some popcorn and let’s sing along!

What is your favorite TV show? – Ummm…of course it’s the Great British Bake-Off because, in the words of Prue Leith, I’m committed to making treats that are totally “worth the calories.”

What is your favorite local Lincoln restaurant? – Every time it’s my turn to pick dinner, I choose Issara Modern Asian Cuisine. Their complex Thai flavors make me swoon (and want to lick the plate after I’m finished—not that I’ve ever done that!).

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