Meet Alicia Chrastil, Realtor at Nebraska Real Estate Specialty Group of Nebraska Realty (

Tell us a little about your business. – Alicia Chrastil has been involved in real estate since 1981. Holding several designations: GRI and specialized designation for serving seniors: MSRP, SRES and CSHP and a Seniors Home Coach to the unique needs of seniors in the real estate market. She understands that these transitions can be daunting, and her mission is to guide seniors seamlessly through this challenging process.

How did you get started in the business? – Alicia ventured into real estate to prioritize spending time with her growing family while relishing the intricate challenge of the industry, likening it to piecing together a puzzle where every element must seamlessly align.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? – The primary challenge lies in the relentless pursuit of delivering exceptional service. Continuously striving to enhance my ability to serve others with a blend of compassion, expertise and ongoing education is a perpetual journey.

What has been your most important achievement professionally? – My most significant accomplishment thus far has been the establishment of the Nebraska Real Estate Specialty Group. Through this initiative, we empower agents to unleash their passion while elevating the standard of service they provide to clients, striving for excellence across all facets of the real estate experience.

Tell us a little about your family. – The center of my universe is undeniably my family, who bring me boundless joy and fulfillment. I married my high school sweetheart, and together we’ve raised three wonderfully successful children. Now, with the addition of six precious grandchildren, my life feels complete. They are my world, and I would go to great lengths to ensure their happiness and well-being.

What do you see as one of the biggest turning points in your life? – The most pivotal moment in my life came with the loss of my parents at a very young age. With four siblings ranging from 19 to nine years old, we made a solemn pact to stick together, support one another and navigate life as a unified front. This vow remains steadfast to this day, forging a deep bond among us. I believe this shared experience has instilled in me a profound empathy for seniors. It enables me to extend love and care to seniors, much like I would have if my own parents had been able to grow old alongside us.

Who inspires you? – My inspiration stems from the multitude of family and friends who have supported me throughout my journey in life. However, my greatest source of inspiration is undoubtedly my mother. Despite facing limited resources, she imparted invaluable lessons to us, she raised us to be independent, how to think and emphasized the importance of kindness, honesty and always seeking opportunities to assist those less fortunate than ourselves. Her unwavering example continues to guide and motivate me each day.

What local nonprofit organization(s) are you passionate about or involved with, and are there any special reasons why? – I’m actively involved in Foodnet, an organization dedicated to providing food for the less fortunate in our community. Additionally, I founded Nebraska Savvy Seniors, aimed at equipping, educating and empowering seniors to live their best lives. Currently, I’m working on establishing a local chapter for the National Aging in Place Council, with the mission of helping seniors age gracefully in their preferred environment.

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