Meet Dan Wenzl, a Risk Advisor at North Risk Partners (

Tell us a little about your business. – At North Risk Partners, we help our clients with all their Risk Management and Insurance needs by finding customized solutions that fit each client’s individual business. As insurance professionals we are in the relationship business. We look forward to understanding our client’s business and developing a professional relationship to provide the best possible risk and insurance solutions.

How did you get started in the business? – My dad was a State Farm agent so working in insurance was a natural fit for me. Interviewing out of college, I found the opportunities for growth and career path came from the insurance industry. Most people do not think of insurance as a possible career, but the industry has been good to me.

I love being part of an industry that helps clients enhance their businesses by offering quality products and services, thereby assisting clients in minimizing their financial risks during times of need. My experiences working as a claims adjuster for a large insurance company, a risk manager for 2 fortune 500 companies, as a consultant for one of the largest Insurance and Human Services organizations in the world and, saving the best for last, having the good fortune to work for one the largest regional insurance brokers in the Midwest have all contributed to my satisfaction in helping develop custom solutions to help my clients have peace of mind as they continue to grow and find success in their respective industries.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? – When I first started, we encountered numerous prospects who were hesitant to engage in discussions about insurance, either due to a lack of trust, misconceptions about the product, or simply because they don’t see insurance as a priority. And I still see those same concerns today. I try to address these concerns through a strategic approach and a significant investment in building relationships and credibility. North Risk as an organization takes the time to understand each client’s unique needs and concerns and then tailor our solutions to each individual client. This requires not only selling ourselves and the company to a potential client, but also selling the client to the insurance market. Finding the right fit for our clients is the key to a lasting relationship.

Tell us a little about your family. – My wife works in the life and health insurance industry. We have two children and I am so proud of both of them for not only graduating from college, but also going on to completing their master’s degrees. Although, our kids ended up in non-insurance related careers, one as a teacher and the other as a mental health therapist, each of us has found our own ways to help people and contribute to our communities. I have been very blessed with a wonderful family.

What local nonprofit organization(s) are you passionate about or involved with, and are there any special reasons why? – The Special Olympics is a wonderful cause and a terrific organization. Each year we volunteer as an office, which give us the opportunity to connect with people and participate in the enthusiasm of the athletes. It can be infectious and fun. Connecting with everyone from the athletes to the organizers to the other volunteers makes it all worthwhile. What better way to foster a sense of community and belonging than participation in sports. I look forward to the next event.

If our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so? – Please contact me at