Meet Sarah Wiehusch, MPA the People Development Coordinator at Sumner Place Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation (

Tell us a little about your business. – Sumner Place is a Skilled Nursing Facility that provides long-term care, rehabilitation services and memory care. We pride ourselves on providing resident-focused care, independence and a home-like atmosphere.

How did you get started in the business? – When I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in 2016, I had every intention of working in foster care. But when I walked into Sumner Place for an interview for a Life Enrichment Assistant position eight years ago, I fell in love with the atmosphere and knew this was where I was called to be. I was the Social Services Coordinator here for six years and loved ensuring our residents had the support and services they needed. I was then able to transition to the PDC role last July to be a catalyst for an exceptional workplace culture to benefit our excellent team members and enable them to be passionate in providing quality care to our residents.

What has been your most important achievement professionally? – While working full time at Sumner Place, I completed my master’s degree in social work and public administration. I graduated December 2019 with all the love and support of my husband, older daughter who was two at time, my parents, siblings and in-laws.

Tell us a little about your family. – My husband Gunner is a Project Manager for a construction company here in Lincoln. We will be married 10 years in October. Our older daughter Amelia is seven years old and is starting second grade and our younger daughter Eliza is three years old and is starting preschool.

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? – We love to go on “family adventures” outdoors, like hiking through local forest areas, wetlands or prairie areas while watching for tracks and wildlife. Wilderness Park, Saline Wetlands Nature Center and Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center have been some of the destinations this summer!

What is your favorite quote or the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? – “Complaining about not achieving success despite working hard is like complaining about an ice cube not melting when you heated it from 25 to 31 degrees. Your work was not wasted; it is just being stored. All the action happens at thirty-two degrees.” – James Clear

What is your greatest talent that you don’t utilize in your daily work life? – I play the cello! I started in fifth grade and played regularly through my undergrad. I’ve been able to play for our annual talent show at Sumner Place a couple times and will find more time again as our girls get a little older.

What local nonprofit organization(s) are you passionate about or involved with, and are there any special reasons why? – We are generally listening to MyBridge Radio in the car for the uplifting music and inspiring stories of great things happening in Nebraska. I’ve seen the amazing impact the Dreamweaver Foundation has for older adults – including numerous residents at Sumner Place. Our Vetter Foundation is a nonprofit that focuses on Christian mission works locally, nationally and internationally.

If our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so? – Ask for Sarah Wiebusch at (402) 475-6791. Email me at Check out our open positions in our career center at!