This is not someone obtaining a “fake” ID to access a bar or purchase alcohol or tobacco.  It is much more serious.  If you have ever lost your license, you know that obtaining a new one can be a difficult process.  Just like your social security number, your driver’s license number does not change if you lose it.  However frustrating this might be for you, it is for your protection.  You want it to be difficult for someone else to steal your identity!  Even if you haven’t lost your driver’s license, think about all the times that you have given that number out.

When you think about all the things, besides driving, someone can use a driver’s license for; the effects of someone stealing yours WILL BE devastating.

• Open bank account or write a check

• Drain your personal financial accounts

• Secure fraudulent government benefits

• Obtain employment

• Create erroneous driving and criminal record entries

We all know that without a driver’s icense, it would be very difficult to function in this day and age.  When someone has their license revoked or can’t obtain a license, chances are they WILL find a way to steal one.
Imagine if someone else were to get pulled over using your driver’s license number.  If they get a ticket, whether it is for not using a blinker or a driving under the influence, this will go on your record.  The state only knows you by your license number so when that person doesn’t show up for court and doesn’t pay the fines, who is then responsible?  The worst case scenario just happened for you.  You get pulled over for a minor violation, they check out your license and registration, come back and you hear, did you know that there is a warrant out for your arrest?   This is no longer a case of innocent until proven guilty.  You have to prove your innocence and that someone else stole your identity and used it fraudulently.  That’s a bad day!!!!


If you would like more information, or you think someone might have stolen your identity and you would like more information. You can contact our office, here in Lincoln, located on 1135 M Street Suite 210. You may also call (402) 405-0438 or email us at or visit