With each passing year in your life, prioritizing health becomes increasingly necessary and important. As you journey into your golden years, it’s imperative to embrace mindfulness and healthy habits to ensure longevity and the best possible quality of life.

Here are some essential tips to empower individuals and their caregivers in nurturing a robust and fulfilling lifestyle:

Embrace Physical Activity: Engage in regular exercise tailored to individual abilities, whether it’s brisk walks, water aerobics or gentle yoga.

Prioritize Nutrition: Maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains to support overall health and vitality.

Stay Socially Connected: Foster relationships with friends, family and community groups to combat isolation and promote mental well-being.

Mind Cognitive Health: Stimulate the mind with puzzles, games, reading and lifelong learning endeavors to preserve cognitive function.

Regular Health Screenings: Schedule routine check-ups and screenings for early detection and management of age-related health concerns.

Adequate Sleep: Aim for sufficient restorative sleep each night to promote physical and mental rejuvenation.

Manage Stress: Incorporate stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises or hobbies to enhance resilience and emotional balance.

Safety First: Ensure living spaces are conducive to safety, including removing tripping hazards and installing appropriate assistive devices.

Regular Mental Health Check-ins: Prioritize mental health by seeking professional support if needed and addressing any emotional challenges promptly.

Maintain a Sense of Purpose: Engage in meaningful activities, hobbies or volunteer work that provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

In addition to these tips, the following businesses are her to help you on your journey toward senior wellness. Don’t just add years to life but life to years!

Cost-Effective Care

Husker Rehab’s (huskerrehab.com) mission is to provide cost-effective, holistic rehabilitation and occupational health services. If you are dealing with an injury or chronic issue, it is important to take recovery seriously. Continuing to strain your body without proper rehab techniques can result in further injury. That’s why it’s important to talk to the experts at Husker Rehab. Of course, the best way to avoid injury is to take preventative measures before they happen. A solid routine can help you avoid painful injury.

Ben Peterson
Husker Rehab

According to Ben Petersen, DPT, “A daily routine should include regular physical exercise, eating healthy foods, doing activities to stimulate your brain, finding hobbies that you enjoy and keeping good social contacts with family or friends! “

Should injury or pain occur, you needn’t panic. Husker Rehab will get you feeling better and back to being active the right way, with safe and proven techniques.

Caring Comes to You!

Whatever age you are today, keep in mind you will never be any younger than you are at this very moment.

“It’s never too late to start following what I call the ‘Five E’s for a Better Tomorrow’,” says Rhonda Saunders, Networker.

1. Eat Well: No brainer, you’ve been told this since elementary school. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, limit the carbs and sugars, you’ve got this!

2. Exercise: Shake it up baby and keep it moving, whether it’s 30 minutes all at once or three 10 minute bursts, make this a daily priority!

3. Expand: This means your mind, not your waistline. Read, learn, explore, challenge yourself to something new, practice something old. It’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks!

4. Entertainment: Spending time with friends, family and other’s is vital to your health. The company of others has been proven to help keep you healthy!

5. Exhale: Take a deep breath, blow it out and relax. Be good to yourself by gifting a few moments each day to just breath, reflect and be thankful you’ve been given another day!

Rhonda Saunders

As life sometimes takes you down unexpected roads, you may find that you need to call on the help of others to lend a helping hand. AmanaCare (amana-care.com) is there to assist and help to keep you safely in your home. From light housekeeping, meal preparation, companion care and more, their well trained, caring staff are there to help and live up to their Amana Hebrew name. Amana (Uh-maw nuh): Truth, faith, guardian, devotion, integrity. They’re here for all your tomorrow’s!

Exciting News!!! They now offer transportation! AmanaCare proudly announces their new handicap-accessible van for client transport. This five passenger van even has room for a wheelchair! So, when you need extra help keeping up with your daily wellness routine, AmanaCare is a partner you can trust and rely on.

A Different Approach

Alicia Chrastil
Nebraska Realty

Alicia Chrastil of Nebraska Realty (nebraskarealty.com) has a different approach to senior health. “Sure, staying healthy is important, but let’s not forget the missing ingredient: happiness! I mean, what’s the use of being healthy if you’re not happy, right? So, here’s my advice: make time for a good ol’ belly laugh every day. And hey, don’t be afraid to chuckle at yourself; we all do some pretty hilarious stuff! Laughter works like magic, instantly refreshing you and making you feel like a whole new person. Trust me, when you’re feeling good, you’re doing good. So, go ahead, laugh it off and enjoy the ride!”

Alicia is well versed in working with seniors and their families as they transition out of their homes or downsize. She is available to help you or someone you love in navigating these changes!

A Team That Cares

Caring Friends in Home Care (caringfriends.com) recommends that seniors center their routines around their capabilities and how they are feeling day to day.

Val Heedum
Caring Friends in Home Care

According to Val Heedum, Director of Business Development, “As a daily routine, I recommend taking time to pay attention to how you feel physically and emotionally and connect with your support team regarding any concerns. You may have family, friends or a care team that can help you talk through options and make a plan.”

Seniors should feel empowered to be their own advocate for their needs and know there are people who will support them in navigating their options. Caring Friends is always here to be part of the team.

An Organized Space is a Peaceful Space

A cluttered space leads to a cluttered mind. Bee Organized Lincoln (beeorganized.com) believes that when you live in an organized home, you will find more peace and joy in your day to day life.

Lindsey Leif and Markay Cunningham
Bee Organized

According to Owners and Professional Organizers, Lindsey Leif and Markay Cunningham, “The secret to organization is simply to own less, however, it’s not always that simple. Our homes are full of things we love; things that have meaning and value. It can be difficult to know where to start! We always suggest tackling one space at a time and do the “power purge”. This allows you to take some time in deciding what items are completely necessary to keep, which things you can pass on to another family in need, etc.”

Oftentimes when going through your own items, you find yourself feeling stuck – this is because you are so emotionally connected to your own things! That’s where Bee Organized Lincoln comes in. With compassion, confidentiality and zero judgement, they will guide you through this process and set you up for success. Together, you will sort, give everything a home and refresh your spaces to bring you peace and joy!

Mind, Physical, Social

The staff at Legacy Retirement Communities (legacyretirement.com) believes that routine can only be established once the patient is feeling their best and having their needs met.

Tracy Haefele Legacy Retirement Communities

According to Tracy Haefele, Director of Life Enrichment at Legacy Retirement Communities, “Areas of well-being must be met. The ones we focus on at Legacy Retirement Communities are as follows,”

Mind: Relaxation and stimulation are opposite ends of the spectrum, and both play an important role in a person’s well-being. Take time to care for your mental health and also use your brain in new ways, even if it’s using your other hand to do something you usually do with your dominant hand. (For example: switch hands when you wash the dishes, comb your hair, or groom your pet.)

Physical: Keep moving! Physical activity is essential as we age, especially strength training and exercises that focus on improving balance. Feed your body with healthy foods. But don’t forget to treat yourself every now and then either!

Social: Take a walk, play cards with a friend, or meet a friend for coffee! Tell your story to someone and take the time to hear someone else’s.

Community: Spend some time helping others in your community. You can volunteer at your church or local charity, or offer to help a neighbor.”

Maintain a Sense of Community

A routine needn’t just include health and fitness. Routine can also mean things like daily schedule and social routines. Seniors need to maintain relationships and friendships, in orer to maintain a sense of community, which is exactly what they do at The Residence at Gramercy (12oaks.net).

Jeffrey Harvey
The Residence at Gramercy

According to Executive Director, Jeffrey Harvey, “It’s very important to be socially active. Staying connected with family, friends and other support systems in your life keeps away feelings of loneliness, helps sharpen memory and cognition, increases overall happiness, and can potentially help you live longer.”

Human beings are social creatures. We need others as much as they need us, and that’s why The Residence at Gramercy encourages seniors to participate in social activities and maintain relationships throughout their lives.

Maintaining Freedom

At Waterford Communities Assisted Living (thewaterford.net), they prioritize the safety and independence of their elders.

“Through our dedicated team, personalized care plans and engaging activities, we create a supportive environment where seniors can thrive,” says Dan Klein Jr.

Safety is paramount in everything they do. Their facility is equipped with safety features, including emergency alert systems and secure living spaces.

“Our staff undergo training to ensure they can handle situations with expertise and compassion. Maintaining independence is central to our approach. We work closely with each resident and family to develop individualized care plans that respect their autonomy while addressing their unique needs. Whether it’s assistance with daily tasks or specialized care, we provide the support necessary for seniors to live life on their terms.”

The Waterford’s diverse range of activities promotes physical, mental and emotional well-being. From exercise classes to arts and crafts, and entertainment brough in there’s something for everyone to enjoy. They believe that staying active and engaged is key to a fulfilling life at any age. Waterford Communities Assisted Living is more than just a place to live – it’s a community dedicated to enriching the lives of elders with safety, support and independence.

Scheduled Medication

Scheduled medication management is a critical part in the routines of many seniors. Failure to adhere to prescribed medication regimens can lead to worsening symptoms, increased health complications and decreased quality of life, but remembering to take medications can become increasingly difficult with age.

Caregivers, healthcare professionals and automated systems can help ensure that medications are administered on time, in the right dosage and as prescribed. This not only supports the individual’s physical well-being, but also helps manage their cognitive symptoms more effectively, contributing to a better overall quality of life and potentially slowing the progression of the memory loss condition.

Shannon Schultz
Nebraska LTC Pharmacy

“From a pharmacy perspective, people struggling to remember to take their meds can be very detrimental to managing their health care, which can then further lead to not being allowed to remain in their home,” shared Shannon Schultz, Owner of Nebraska LTC Pharmacy (neltcpharmacy.com). “Some people don’t have anyone there to ensure medication is taken routinely and properly – that’s where I can come in and help!”

Nebraska LTC Pharmacy provides free weekly blister packaging and delivery – something they have found to be much more manageable for someone who may be forgetting or feeling overwhelmed with multiple prescription bottles sitting around. They don’t have to worry about which ones they need to take at which times of day, as that is all in the blister packs. This also removes the possibility of double-dosing or taking meds they aren’t supposed to be taken anymore.

Navigate Changes with Ease

CarePatrol of Lincoln (carepatrol.com) is a core resource for families navigating the placement of their loved one in a care facility. When asked about actionable steps that seniors can ads into their routines today, they had this to say.

Michael Conover
CarePatrol of Lincoln

“Embrace your strengths and recognize areas for growth. This mindset enables you to channel your energy into what you excel at while also being open to receiving support in areas where you may need assistance,” said Michael Conover, Certified Senior Advisor.

Being open to receive support and help can be a challenge as it makes some feel that they are losing their independence. That’s why businesses like CarePatrol are there to provide senior care options based on individual needs and preferences to ensure the quality of life for your loved one.

Help Your Loved One Stay at Home

Julie Day
Visiting Angels

Visiting Angels (visitingangels.com) has been providing compassionate senior care to families in Lincoln since 2017. They are committed to providing families with the best possible in-home care services. Visiting Angels’ commitment is simple: They will help your loved one continue to live at home and provide excellent services to ensure your loved ones are safe and well taken care of. They’ll help you find peace of mind.

Providing the opportunity for seniors to continue to live in their home prevents the disruption of already established routines. Huge changes, like moving from their beloved home can sometimes be detrimental. However, to stay in their home, many seniors require outside help.

It can feel uneasy allowing someone else to care for a loved one, and it’s natural to wonder if the arrangement will work. If you want the experience to be successful, you need to think positively. Trust that by hiring Visiting Angels, you are hiring a qualified professional who will keep your loved one safe and comfortable at home.

Seniors can feel hesitant to accept help, especially if they have been doing specific tasks independently for a long time. Encourage them to think of a caregiver as a teammate or an added layer of support that won’t take away their independence. It is important they know how having a little extra support will help them remain in their home safely.

Commitment to Memory Care

Providing a nurturing environment for seniors facing memory-related challenges is vital. Tailored care, activities and a strong emphasis on safety are essential components. Establishing a supportive atmosphere is particularly crucial for seniors experiencing memory loss, as it significantly impacts their quality of life and provides reassurance to their families.


Megan Herter
Sumner Place

“At Sumner Place, we understand the importance of routines in the lives of seniors,” explained Megan Herter, Admissions and Public Relations Coordinator at Sumner Place. “Effective communication is pivotal in navigating this journey, as it fosters understanding amidst confusion. Creating a supportive environment hinges on clear and compassionate communication.”

Sumner Place Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation (sumnerplacecare.com) distinguishes itself through innovative programs like Music & Memory and Buddies Forever. These initiatives underscore the facility’s commitment to memory care and skilled nursing excellence. By leveraging residents’ personal interests and histories, Sumner Place endeavors to support individuals facing memory-related challenges. Their tailored approach aims to enhance the overall well-being of residents.

Lasting Memorials

Watching a loved one pass away can be incredibly challenging. During this time, and in the lead-up to it, reminiscing about cherished memories becomes crucial. Whether through sharing stories, looking at photographs, or holding onto sentimental items, these acts help keep the memory of the departed alive. At Wyuka Funeral Home & Cemetery (wyuka.com), they understand that while grief may linger, love leaves an indelible mark on the heart.

Visiting cemeteries becomes a way for many to honor their loved ones and keep their precious memories alive. Thus, the location of the final resting place holds significant importance. Wyuka Funeral Home & Cemetery provides a serene and beautiful setting for families to pay their respects to those they have lost. With options for ground burial or mausoleum entombment, Wyuka ensures families can create a lasting memorial for their loved ones.

Discussing after-life plans may seem daunting, but it’s a selfless act that can alleviate financial concerns for our loved ones. By having these conversations, we give our family members the space to focus on their grief and healing process. While these discussions may be uncomfortable, they are an essential part of life. Rather than scheduling a formal conversation, it’s okay to approach the topic gradually and continuously. Empathy is key during these discussions, as we aim to understand our loved ones’ sensitivities and perspectives, offering support and reassurance along the way. So why not initiate a conversation today, providing peace of mind for both yourself and your loved ones?

Senior Independence

Lincoln Housing Authority (l-housing.com) is deeply committed to promoting senior independence, recognizing that it’s about offering “more than housing.” Understanding the importance of routines for seniors, the authority goes beyond providing mere physical accommodations. Instead, it actively empowers seniors through a variety of services and programs designed to establish and maintain healthy routines, fostering independence and overall well-being. By prioritizing the establishment of daily structures and habits, the Lincoln Housing Authority aims to cultivate environments where seniors can maintain autonomy, engage in meaningful activities, and access necessary support systems, ultimately leading fulfilling lives within their housing communities.

Burke Plaza, Crossroads House, and Mahoney Manor collectively cater to over 270 seniors, providing an array of social and personal support services through Resident Services and Congregate Housing Services programs. These facilities are dedicated to ensuring residents have comprehensive access to various amenities and resources that support their daily routines, effectively meeting their needs and enhancing their well-being.

Central to the Resident Services Program are the Resident Services Specialists stationed at each building. These specialists play a crucial role in assisting seniors in establishing and maintaining daily routines, offering support and guidance to ensure consistency and structure in their lives. By actively engaging with residents and understanding their individual needs and preferences, these specialists work diligently to create inclusive and enriching living environments centered around the importance of routines for seniors.

Cut the Overwhelm-Stick to a Routine

At Cedar Creek of High Plains (cedarhurstliving.com), they understand the importance of a routine in maintaining health and well-being as you age. That’s why they are dedicated to providing a supportive environment where seniors can thrive. Here, they focus on fostering routines that promote vitality and happiness.

Their Memory Care community offers:

A wealth of social interactions to cultivate friendships.

Engaging entertainment, meaningful conversations, and laughter-filled moments.

Diverse programs and activities designed to stimulate both mind and body.

Nutritious and delicious meals prepared and served with care.

Supportive neighbors and team members always available to lend a hand.

“We believe in empowering seniors to lead fulfilling lives through enriching routines and vibrant community connections. Let Cedar Creek of High Plains be your partner in promoting a healthy and active lifestyle for your loved ones.”