Arnie’s Pet Food Store Delivers Simple Tips to Help You Leash Train Your Dog

If your dog pulls on the leash when you’re out on a walk, listen up, because Arnie’s Pet Food Store ( Owner Dave Titterington has some simple tips to teach your canine companion to walk on a loose leash. In fact, he said, it’s relatively easy to do if you use the proper tools and techniques. Start by selecting a training collar. The three most popular are the Martindale slip collar, the pinch collar, and the simple choke-chain collar, which is what Dave uses. These collars are for training purposes or daily walks only; slip or pinch collars should never be used as your dog’s daily collar. Next, select a leash, usually 5 to 6 feet to allow your dog to go off trail to do their duty or sniff at an interesting odor. Avoid using a retractable leash.

With your dog in a sitting position, hold the leash with just enough slack to keep your dog next to you. If your dog begins to pull as you start to walk, stop while giving the shortened leash a quick, firm snap, instructing your dog to sit. This quick snap will engage and quickly release the slip collar, sending the message that it’s not okay to pull. Repeat this procedure as needed; it may work in just two or three attempts, but it might take longer. Just be consistent, work with your dog, and treat them for following commands. It is well worth the time and effort, as it makes strolling through the neighborhood or going to public places more enjoyable for both of you!

Arnie’s Pet Food Store is located in the Alamo Plaza at 56th and Highway 2. For more information, visit or call (402) 904-3573.