Arnie’s Pet Food Store Offering Free Trial Bottle of Ultra Oil Skin and Coat for Pets

If you’re looking for a natural solution to your pet’s scratching or excessive hair loss, Arnie’s Pet Food Store ( has what you need—and they offer a free trial size bottle for pet owners to give it a try. Ultra Oil Skin and Coat is an amazing supplement that alleviates most of all skin and coat problems in dogs and cats. It’s a pure gift from nature, made with all natural sardine and anchovy oils plus hemp and grapeseed oils in a formula designed to alleviate the flaky skin, itching, and excessive scratching that can result from deficiencies in a pet’s diet. It is said to be the most effective product on the market to relieve hot spots, allergic breakouts, and other skin and coat irritations, creating a smooth, shiny, healthy-looking coat. In fact, most customers notice a shine in their dogs or cats after just three days of adding Ultra Oil to their diets, and it helps with hair regrowth after just two to six weeks of use.

Ultra Oil for pets includes the best nutrients nature can provide. The primary ingredient, hempseed oil, provides a perfect balance of Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9. Flaxseed oil, rich in Omega-6, is balanced with Omega-3-rich fish oil, and then combined with grapeseed oil to help naturally preserve and act as a natural antioxidant. Pick up a free trial-size bottle of Ultra Oil at Arnie’s Pet Food Store and add a few drops on your pet’s food each day. You’ll see the relief from dry, itchy skin, a dull coat, hot spots, dandruff, allergies, skin bumps, and excessive shedding.

Located in the Alamo Plaza at 56th and Highway 2, Arnie’s Pet Food Store is your neighborhood family-owned pet food store, where they are as much about your pets as they do their own. Stop by or shop online at