Arnie’s Pet Food Store Offers Full Line of CBD Products by Super Snouts Hemp Company

Arnie’s Pet Food Store ( is proud to offer a full line of CBD products by Super Snouts Hemp Company. These products were developed by veterinarians to treat anxiety, seizures, arthritis, pain, or any number of canine life-altering medical issues. Super Snout’s is a reputable manufacturer of CBD for pets. Their cannabis is grown on USDA-approved farms in Colorado and Kentucky. All products are manufactured in an FDA-approved facility where the CBD is naturally extracted without the use of chemical solvents. Then each batch is independently tested to be guaranteed 100% THC-free, GMO-free, and gluten-free.

Owner Dave Titterington recommends doing research before purchasing any CBD pet products. Though it’s not a cure as some claim, it is a natural way to provide relief for your pet without the use of harmful drugs.

Stop by Arnie’s Pet Food Store in Lincoln at 5601 S. 56th St., STE 7 for more information about Super Snout’s CBD for pets or visit /