8020SmartFIT is celebrating big changes with its change of management! The three new owner operators—Jordan Gardner, Ben Keller and James Berger–come with higher education and 20 years of combined experience and hosted a Lincoln Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting event on December 9th to introduce themselves and the new concept. They are excited to work with clients to help them achieve their goals whether they are weight loss, sport or just staying in shape, having fun and de-stressing.

As a private personal training and small batch fitness studio, 8020SmartFIT’s all-inclusive memberships allow people to save a lot of money on fitness and nutrition opposed to any other ordinary gym. This includes both private personal training sessions and small group classes built in at a significant cost savings.

There will be some exciting stuff rolling out from 8020SmartFIT to kick off the new year. Among them will be added class times, class themes, and online fitness resources.  Many new classes and services are still being developed–installing a marathon prep class, a workout recovery class and a Tabata class over the lunch hour just to name a few.

Make sure to keep an eye on the website at www.8020smartfit.com for a special New Year’s offer in January!  For more information about 8020SmartFIT, call (402) 421-2205 or email trainers@8020smartfit.com.