Lancaster Rehabilitation Center Offers Bryan Health’s Telemedicine Service

Lancaster Rehabilitation Center (LRC; is one of four Lincoln healthcare providers to become part of Bryan Health’s Telemedicine service, which combines comprehensive consultation and convenience. The new technology allows patients to communicate via a computer screen with Dr. Brian Bossard, a Telemedicine specialist and co-founder/president of Bryan Telemedicine. Dr. Bossard is an internal specialist with 32 years’ experience in practice, affiliated with Bryan Medical Center.

Through the Telemedicine process, Bryan Health physicians become an extension of LRC’s team. The Bryan medical personnel train LRC healthcare providers in the delivery of efficient, quality, and compassionate care through superior, state-of-the-art telehealth. The Telemedicine service allows doctor and patient to converse and observe.

For LRC patients, Telemedicine is targeted at lowering healthcare costs by alleviating emergency-room costs and avoiding the hassle associated with doctor’s office visits, including adverse weather conditions. LRC is participating in the CMS Bundled Payment for Care Improvement program, in which seven diagnoses created by Bryan Health are in the payment “bundle:” two in orthopedic, two in cardiac, and three in medical.

Lancaster Rehabilitation Center’s participation in the Telemedicine process is on a 15-month trial basis. All cases involving Telemedicine service administered to LRC patients require a physician’s referral. Learn more online at or call (402) 441-7101.